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Mission La Milagrosa

About the Mission

     In Miami, the Church that seems to have been moved from the south west of the nation is the Mission dedicated to Our Lady, the Miraculous Medal. The home of dozens of Hispanics in the most distant area of ​​the "mother church." In the 90's, the group of Corpus Christi “cursillistas” with Father Oscar Castañeda were in charge of the evangelization of the southern part of Allapattah, going from house to house to families of Cuban and Nicaraguan majority.


     This mission began in a duplex, which they bought on December 1st, 1990 in the center of the area. All the walls were removed to leave a single room. In the place, a picture of the Sacred Heart was placed in the center and a shelf on both sides with the images of San Jose and the Miraculous. The first Mass was celebrated on June 30th, 1991 by Father Castañeda, who recalled that he felt a missionary spirit, so much so that "we planted the missionary cross in the courtyard."


     In the Mission, Adita Penate and her family helped in the liturgy and collaborated actively in the mission. Juan Cabrera helped with the green areas and the surroundings of the Mission. In that season there were cleaning teams, prayer, readers, and altar servers. Olga Martin was in charge of the finances because before they counted the money in the mission. The grandmother Delia cooked and prepared the candles, conforming with other people a small community that little by little they were attracting more people. In addition, catechism was given to children and adults received Bible studies once a week.


     Over time, the lands adjacent to the duplex which belonged to Carrasquilla family; who were members of the parish, were purchased. all the buildings were removed and everything was moved to Juan Cabrera's house where the mass was celebrated in his parking lot. Having the land, Father Jose Luis and the community concentrated on finding a benefactor who would be Manny Medina. He called Father Jose Luis one day and said "this is the year of the miraculous." And Mr. Medina himself was in charge of looking for the architect, the contractor, and engineers. On April 18th, 1998 the first stone was set.


     Francisca Garcia recalls that this time was the "most difficult" of the mission since it was created with "the illusion of seeing the building erected." Months later the consecration of this mission took place on December 12th, 1998, the day of the Virgin of Guadalupe and one more anniversary for the parish. Something that is very characteristic of the mission is the procession of the miraculous whose original feast is in November, but this event interfered with the festival and Thanksgiving for those reasons it was changed to July 18th  the day of the first appearance of the virgin.



6:00 PM (Spanish)

Contact Us



1860 NW 18th Terrace,

Miami, FL 33125

Mission Coordinator

Elia Amaya


Events & Activities


Music Ministry

Choir rehearsals every Thursday

at 8:00 PM in the mission

Come and let us sing to the Lord for all his blessings!



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